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When you come for a consultation at the clinic is probably different than what you are used to. We are not standard – and that’s why it’s important that you are aware of and relate to the our way of doing things.

The Dog’s ‘uniform’

If your dog is anxious about the visit it will be given our “uniform” to wear. It consists of a bandana and a dog leash. Both are sprayed with calming pheromones (Adaptil) to help giving your dog a better experience at the clinic. You will then be led into an available consultation room where your dog can sniff around and explore the room.

At the Consultation Room

All dogs must be on a short leash at the clinic, except when they are inside the consultation room where you can unclip the leash when the door is closed. When the consultation begins, the veterinarian will take time to listen to the reason for your visit and ask about your dog. 

The veterinarian will then conduct the necessary examination, respecting your dog’s experience of the situation and its boundaries.

A consultation at Hundeklinikken differs from traditional vet visits in the following ways:
  • We use A LOT of treats. Like, REALLY A LOT. This is because it creates a positive association for your dog during the examination and it’s smart to reward your dog for cooperation. If your dog has a sensitive stomach or allergies, please remember to inform us. You can also bring your own treats in abundance if it’s important that your dog only receives specific ones.
  • We constantly monitor your dog’s anxiety and stress levels, and if they become too high, we will stop the examination or treatment. This is to prevent creating negative experiences at the clinic, which could make future examinations and treatments more difficult. If we need to stop the examination, we will work with you to come up with an alternative plan. This could involve scheduling a new treatment time under sedation, providing anxiety-reducing medication before the next visit, training at the clinic, or a combination of these options.
  • We might examine your dog on the floor, on the table, or in your lap – depending on the situation and your dog’s comfort level. Your dog will not be restrained against its will or exposed to anything it is uncomfortable with, unless it’s a matter of life and death. This only creates further problems and the potential for aggression. We see many dogs who develop a fear of vets due to these experiences, and it requires a lot of work to correct afterwards.
  • We use distraction with food and treats while your dog is being treated (e.g., receiving injections or having a sample taken) and our staff are well-trained in stress-free handling techniques through our Fear Free certification.
  • If it’s not possible to distract your dog, we will often switch to real learning tactics with the help of modern and positive learning psychology. We have dog trainers with years of experience among our staff. If you have trouble handling your dog, we know the solution. We are happy to discuss it, and it’s also possible to receive handling training at the clinic. The best treatment is a completed treatment. Therefore, our prescriptions for home treatment always come with guidance on how to best and most positively get your dog to accept the treatment. This is important, as we find that many people otherwise have to give up on tasks like ear or eye drops at home.